Training materials


Training System for Trachoma (video)
Do take a few minutes to watch our video presentation outlining the Tropical Data training system for trachoma.   Please note that in 2023 we introduced updates to our training methods so the details outlined in the certification and tes...
Training system for trachoma prevalence surveys
You'll be sent the full suite of training tools once planning is underway; the manual below is only part of the package.  It is used by our trainers to run training sessions, but is also a useful tool for coordinators and those planning surveys a...
Training system for TT-only surveys
Click below to download the latest version of this manual (V3) to support training for TT-only surveys. This manual includes the methodology updates made to Tropical Data in 2023.  To access this manual in Spanish, please click here ...
Annex 11 - Survey Forms (V4)
Please click below to access a standalone copy of Annex 11 which includes the Cluster, Household and Resident forms from the training manual for baseline, impact and surveillance surveys . ...
Training feedback survey
Following any Tropical Data supported training workshop, we invite training participants to complete our feedback survey to help us ensure we continue to deliver the best training possible and to make improvements to the service we offer. This anony...