Popular Articles

  1. Training system for trachoma prevalence surveys

    You'll be sent the full suite of training tools once planning is underway; the manual below is only part of the package.  It is used by our trainers to run training sessions, but is also a useful tool for coordinators and those planning surveys a...
  2. General FAQs

  3. Data sharing

    As per Tropical Data's Terms and Conditions, with consent from the relevant health ministry, Tropical Data will share district-level prevalence category data with the Trachoma Atlas 1 and the ESPEN Portal 2 once data have been approved by the heal...
  4. Technical FAQs

  5. Protocol writing guide

    Click below to download our latest protocol writing guide/template : For an overview of writing protocols for trachoma surveys, you may also wish to view our video here .  To view this protocol writing guide in Spanish, please click h...
  6. Activity planning template

    Click to download: ...
  7. How to Download and Access Data

    Click below to download an overview on how to download and access data from our data management portal :  ...
  8. Budget planning template

    Click to download: ...
  9. Training system for TT-only surveys

    Click below to download the latest version of this manual (V3) to support training for TT-only surveys. This manual includes the methodology updates made to Tropical Data in 2023.  To access this manual in Spanish, please click here ...
  10. Tropical Data Information Leaflet

    For an overview of what Tropical Data is, how it operates, where data are stored, who is involved and why you should use us, do take a look at our summary leaflet  or visit our homepage . Click below to download: ...