Tropical Data
General Information
Project planning tools & protocols
Training materials
Data management & dissemination
Data Management Website
Publications & Data Dissemination
Data FAQs
Tropical Data news & communications
In memoriam
Geostatistical approaches
Geostatistics FAQs
Publications (geostatistical)
Serology & Infection testing
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
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TD web pages
TD Homepage
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Language: English
General Information
Project planning tools & protocols
Training materials
Data management & dissemination
Data Management Website
Publications & Data Dissemination
Data FAQs
Tropical Data news & communications
In memoriam
Geostatistical approaches
Geostatistics FAQs
Publications (geostatistical)
Serology & Infection testing
General Information
Project planning tools & protocols
Training materials
Data management & dissemination
Data Management Website
Publications & Data Dissemination
Data FAQs
Tropical Data news & communications
In memoriam
Geostatistical approaches
Geostatistics FAQs
Publications (geostatistical)
Serology & Infection testing
General Information
What is Tropical Data (video presentation)
Tropical Data Information Leaflet
Tropical Data Principles
Tropical Data Survey Process
Photography (media) consent form
Project planning tools & protocols
Protocol writing guide
Writing trachoma survey protocols (video presentation)
Activity planning template
Planning Checklist
Operational research (OR) planning checklist
Budget planning template
Visa letter template
Training materials
Training System for Trachoma (video)
Training system for trachoma prevalence surveys
Training system for TT-only surveys
Annex 11 - Survey Forms (V4)
Training feedback survey
Data management & dissemination
Data Management Website
How to Download and Access Data
Demo project - Expanded trichiasis and district reports
User Roles
User Manager guide
Publications & Data Dissemination
Online Publications Writing Workshop
Data sharing
Data FAQs
Tropical Data news & communications
June 2024
October 2023
October 2022
November 2021
March 2021
September 2020
January 2020
June 2019
January 2019
August 2018
December 2017
July 2017
January 2017
In memoriam
In memory of our Tropical Data Colleagues
Geostatistical approaches
Introduction to Geostatistics and Tropical Data
Introductory webinar to geostatistical approaches
Geostatistics webinar feedback survey links
Geostatistics FAQs
General FAQs
What is model-based geostatistics (MBG)?
How is MBG different from the current method for estimating trachoma prevalence?
What is the Probability of being Below Threshold (PBT)?
How will the PBT threshold be decided?
Does MBG replace the need for surveys?
Do more or fewer clusters need to be visited when using the MBG approach for survey design?
How has MBG been used so far within the context of trachoma elimination?
What is required in order to run MBG?
Can MBG be used to estimate prevalence in inaccessible EUs?
Can MBG be used when there is large population movement?
Can MBG be used for islands in an archipelago community?
Is it possible to use MBG for an entire country?
Where is the funding coming from to support the research and the Tropical Data development?
Is there any support available for health ministries interested in implementing MBG?
When will we have official confirmation from WHO/Tropical Data to use MBG?
Who owns the MBG output?
How do we decide between two different outputs, one from the standard analysis and one from MBG?
Technical FAQs
How does MBG work in the context of trachoma elimination?
Who chooses the covariates to be included in the model?
Where are the covariate data sourced from?
Is it possible to "borrow" data from a long distance away, or does MBG work better when districts are contiguous?
Can data over 5 years old be used?
Has ground-truthing been done already or is there a plan to do it to validate the outcome of MBG?
Is it possible to run MBG when there is very little trachoma, i.e. minimal TT?
Glossary of terms
Publications (geostatistical)
Geostatistical related publications
Technical Consultation summary, Lancaster, March 2024
Serology & Infection testing
Introduction to serology and infection data collection
Serology and infection testing articles
Project planning tools & protocols
Activity planning template
Last Modified on 19/07/2016 9:09 am BST
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