Geostatistical approaches


Introduction to Geostatistics and Tropical Data
Incorporating Model-based Geostatistics into the Tropical Data service Trachoma is targeted for elimination by 2030. To achieve this, health ministries must demonstrate that active trachoma prevalence is below 5%, trachomatous trichiasis (TT) is ...
Introductory webinar to geostatistical approaches
Recording of the Tropical Data geostatistics webinar, hosted online on the 30th August 2023.  This webinar was designed to give an overview on the incorporation of model-based geostatistics (MBG) into the Tropical Data service. Speakers...
Geostatistics webinar feedback survey links
Tropical Data is interested in evaluating how people in the trachoma community view the use of model-based geostatistics in the context of trachoma elimination. Please watch the webinar on incorporating geostatistics into the Tropical Data service (...
Glossary of terms
Glossary of terms Binomial model : A statistical model used to analyse data with two possible outcomes, typically denoted as "success" and "failure." Covariate : A variable that is not the primary focus of a study but is c...